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Principiante A1

Inglés General 2 – Principiante A1



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Contenido del curso

🌟 Continúa tu aprendizaje y amplía tu vocabulario. En este nivel, aprenderás a describir personas y objetos, hacer preguntas correctamente y hablar sobre rutinas diarias.

📝 Estructura del curso:

✅ Explicación clara del tema

🎬 Video con ejemplos y situaciones reales

🕹️ Actividades interactivas en la plataforma

✅ Beneficios del curso:

  1. Aprenderás a diferenciar y usar los adjetivos demostrativos
  2. Entenderás la diferencia entre «a» y «an» correctamente
  3. Mejorarás tu gramática con sustantivos en plural y estructuras como «there is/there are»
  4. Aprenderás a describir personalidades con adjetivos específicos
  5. Dominarás las preguntas en inglés, incluyendo «Wh» questions y preguntas de sí/no
  6. Descubrirás cómo hablar sobre rutinas y hábitos en presente simple

🎯 ¿A quién está dirigido este curso?

  1. Estudiantes que completaron el Nivel 1 y quieren seguir avanzando
  2. Personas con conocimientos básicos que quieren mejorar su gramática y fluidez
  3. Quienes necesitan aprender a formular preguntas y describir situaciones cotidianas

📌 Requisitos:

  1. Haber completado el Nivel 1 o tener conocimientos básicos de inglés
  2. Acceso a una computadora o móvil con conexión a internet
  3. Tiempo para practicar y hacer las actividades


  • Introduction
  • ✅ Lesson 1: Demonstrative Adjectives (That/This/These/Those) + Indefinite Articles (A vs. An)
    • What are demonstrative adjectives and indefinite articles, and how do we use them?

    • Watch a video about demonstrative adjectives and the use of "a" and "an".

    • Complete the interactive practice on demonstrative adjectives and the indefinite article.

  • ✅ Lesson 2: Irregular Plural Nouns
    • What are irregular plural nouns and how do we form and use them?

    • Watch a video about irregular plural nouns and their rules.

    • Complete the interactive practice on irregular plural nouns.

  • ✅ Lesson 3: There Is / There Are
    • What do there is and there are mean, and how do we use them?

    • Watch a video about how to use "there is" and "there are".

    • Complete the interactive practice on "there is" and "there are".

  • ✅ Lesson 4: Personality Adjectives
    • What are personality adjectives and how do we describe people with them?

    • Watch a video about common personality adjectives.

    • Complete the interactive practice on personality adjectives.

  • ✅ Lesson 5: "Wh" Questions
    • What are "wh" questions and how do we use them to ask for information?

    • Watch a video about "wh" questions and their uses.

    • Complete the interactive practice on "wh" questions.

  • ✅ Lesson 6: Simple Present
    • What is the simple present tense and how do we use it?

    • Watch a video about the simple present tense and its rules.

    • Complete the interactive practice on the simple present.

  • ✅ Lesson 7: Auxiliary Verbs (Do/Does)
    • What are auxiliary verbs (do and does) and how do we use them?

    • Watch a video about auxiliary verbs "do" and "does".

    • Complete the interactive practice on auxiliary verbs "do" and "does".

  • ✅ Lesson 8: Yes/No Questions
    • What are yes/no questions and how do we form and answer them?

    • Watch a video about Yes/No questions and their structure.

    • Complete the interactive practice on Yes/No questions.

  • ✅ Lesson 9: Frequency Adverbs
    • What are frequency adverbs and how do we use them to talk about routines?

    • Watch a video about frequency adverbs and their usage.

    • Complete the interactive practice on frequency adverbs.

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