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Intermedio Superior B2

Inglés General 9 – Int. Superior B2



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Contenido del curso

🌟 Domina el inglés con estructuras complejas y lleva tu fluidez al máximo. En este nivel, aprenderás a hablar sobre el pasado, el futuro y situaciones hipotéticas con confianza.

📝 Estructura del curso:

✅ Explicación clara del tema

🎬 Video con ejemplos y situaciones reales

🕹️ Actividades interactivas en la plataforma

✅ Beneficios del curso:

  1. Aprenderás a hablar sobre eventos pasados con el pasado perfecto simple y continuo
  2. Dominarás el discurso indirecto (reported speech) para contar lo que otros dijeron
  3. Usarás la voz pasiva para estructurar frases de forma más formal y objetiva
  4. Conocerás las oraciones relativas definidas para conectar ideas de manera precisa
  5. Aprenderás a hablar sobre situaciones hipotéticas con el segundo y tercer condicional
  6. Descubrirás el uso del subjuntivo en inglés y cómo expresar deseos y recomendaciones
  7. Dominarás la diferencia entre «be used to» y «get used to» para hablar de hábitos
  8. Aprenderás a predecir eventos con tiempos futuros avanzados como futuro continuo, futuro perfecto y futuro perfecto continuo
  9. Mejorarás tu precisión con cláusulas nominales

🎯 ¿A quién está dirigido este curso?

  1. Estudiantes que completaron el Nivel 8 y quieren perfeccionar su inglés con estructuras avanzadas
  2. Personas que desean hablar con mayor precisión y fluidez en entornos profesionales y académicos
  3. Quienes buscan dominar tiempos verbales complejos y mejorar su expresión oral y escrita

📌 Requisitos:

  1. Haber completado el Nivel 8 o tener un nivel intermedio-alto de inglés
  2. Acceso a una computadora o móvil con conexión a internet
  3. Tiempo para practicar y hacer las actividades


  • Introduction
  • ✅ Lesson 1: Past Perfect Simple
    • What is the past perfect simple and how do we use it?

    • Watch a video about the past perfect simple.

    • Complete the interactive practice on the past perfect simple.

  • ✅ Lesson 2: Past Perfect Continuous
    • What is the past perfect continuous and how do we use it?

    • Watch a video about the past perfect continuous.

    • Complete the interactive practice on the past perfect continuous.

  • ✅ Lesson 3: Past Perfect Simple vs. Past Perfect Continuous
    • What are the differences between the past perfect simple and the past perfect continuous?

    • Watch a video about the difference between past perfect simple and continuous.

    • Complete the interactive practice on past perfect simple vs past perfect continuous.

  • ✅ Lesson 4: Reported Speech
    • What is reported speech and how do we use it?

    • Watch a video about reported speech.

    • Complete the interactive practice on reported speech.

  • ✅ Lesson 5: Passive Voice
    • What is the passive voice and how do we use it?

    • Watch a video about the passive voice.

    • Complete the interactive practice on passive voice.

  • ✅ Lesson 6: Defining Relative Clauses
    • What are defining relative clauses and how do we use them?

    • Watch a video about defining relative clauses.

    • Complete the interactive practice on defining relative clauses.

  • ✅ Lesson 7: The Second Conditional
    • What is the second conditional and how do we use it?

    • Watch a video about the second conditional.

    • Complete the interactive practice on the second conditional.

  • ✅ Lesson 8: The Subjunctive
    • What is the subjunctive and how do we use it in English?

    • Watch a video about the subjunctive mood.

    • Complete the interactive practice on the subjunctive.

  • ✅ Lesson 9: Be Used To
    • What does be used to mean and how do we use it?

    • Watch a video about "be used to".

    • Complete the interactive practice on "be used to".

  • ✅ Lesson 10: Predicting the Future
    • How do we talk about predicting the future in English?

    • Watch a video about ways to predict the future.

    • Complete the interactive practice on predicting the future.

  • ✅ Lesson 11: The Third Conditional
    • What is the third conditional and how do we use it?

    • Watch a video about the third conditional.

    • Complete the interactive practice on the third conditional.

  • ✅ Lesson 12: Noun Clauses
    • What are noun clauses and how do we use them?

    • Watch a video about noun clauses.

    • Complete the interactive practice on noun clauses.

  • ✅ Lesson 13: Future Continuous
    • What is the future continuous and how do we use it?

    • Watch a video about the future continuous tense.

    • Complete the interactive practice on future continuous.

  • ✅ Lesson 14: Future Perfect
    • What is the future perfect and how do we use it?

    • Watch a video about the future perfect tense.

    • Complete the interactive practice on future perfect.

  • ✅ Lesson 15: Future Perfect Continuous
    • What is the future perfect continuous and how do we use it?

    • Watch a video about the future perfect progressive.

    • Complete the interactive practice on future perfect progressive.

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