En un mundo cada vez más globalizado, comprender y apreciar la diversidad cultural se ha convertido en una habilidad esencial. Uno de los aspectos fundamentales de esta diversidad es la nacionalidad, un concepto que va más allá de simplemente indicar el país de origen de una persona; es una puerta de entrada a su historia, tradiciones, y valores. El idioma inglés, como lengua franca global, nos brinda un vasto vocabulario para describir estas identidades únicas, permitiéndonos conectar y comunicarnos efectivamente con personas de todo el mundo.
Aprender las nacionalidades en inglés no solo es útil para viajes, negocios internacionales, o estudios académicos, sino que también fomenta la empatía y el respeto mutuo entre culturas. Ya sea que te estés preparando para un examen de inglés, planeando un viaje al extranjero, o simplemente deseoso de ampliar tus horizontes culturales, dominar este aspecto del idioma te abrirá nuevas perspectivas y oportunidades.
En este artículo, exploraremos la riqueza y diversidad de las nacionalidades en el idioma inglés. Desde las reglas gramaticales hasta las curiosidades culturales, pasando por ejercicios prácticos diseñados para reforzar tu aprendizaje. Prepárate para embarcarte en un viaje lingüístico que no solo mejorará tu dominio del inglés, sino que también enriquecerá tu comprensión del mosaico cultural que conforma nuestro mundo.
Ejercicios PDF De Países y Nacionalidades en Inglés

Exercise 1: Match the Columns
Match the countries with their corresponding nationalities.
Countries | Nationalities |
1. Germany | A. Japanese |
2. Brazil | B. Australian |
3. Canada | C. German |
4. Australia | D. Brazilian |
5. Japan | E. Canadian |
Instructions: Write the number of the country next to the letter of the correct nationality. For example: 1 – C.
Exercise 2: Complete the Sentences
Fill in the blanks with the correct nationality based on the given country.
- «Pedro is from Spain, he is ____________.»
- «Liu is from China, she is ____________.»
- «Mark and John are from the United States, they are ____________.»
- «Sophie is from France, she is ____________.»
- «Ivan is from Russia, he is ____________.»
Exercise 3: Choose the Correct Option
Choose the correct option to complete the sentences.
- «She is from Italy, she is (Italian / Italy).»
- «They are from India, they are (Indian / India).»
- «He is from Egypt, he is (Egypt / Egyptian).»
- «We are from Mexico, we are (Mexican / Mexico).»
- «You are from South Korea, you are (South Korean / South Korea).»
Exercise 4: Create Sentences
Using the given nationalities, write a complete sentence. Make sure to use proper capitalization and punctuation.
- ____________ (British)
- ____________ (Spanish)
- ____________ (Canadian)
- ____________ (Argentinian)
- ____________ (Dutch)
Exercise 5: True or False
State whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F).
- A person from Turkey is called Turquoise. ( )
- If someone is from Germany, they are called German. ( )
- Citizens of Japan are called Japanese. ( )
- An individual from Brazil would be Brazilian. ( )
- People from the Philippines are called Philippense. ( )
Answer Key
Exercise 1: Match the Columns – Answer Key
1 – C (Germany – German)
2 – D (Brazil – Brazilian)
3 – E (Canada – Canadian)
4 – B (Australia – Australian)
5 – A (Japan – Japanese)
Exercise 2: Complete the Sentences – Answer Key
- «Pedro is from Spain, he is Spanish.»
- «Liu is from China, she is Chinese.»
- «Mark and John are from the United States, they are American.»
- «Sophie is from France, she is French.»
- «Ivan is from Russia, he is Russian.»
Exercise 3: Choose the Correct Option – Answer Key
- «She is from Italy, she is Italian.»
- «They are from India, they are Indian.»
- «He is from Egypt, he is Egyptian.»
- «We are from Mexico, we are Mexican.»
- «You are from South Korea, you are South Korean.»
Exercise 4: Create Sentences – Sample Answers
(Note: These are sample answers; students may create different sentences using the nationalities.)
- «The British man enjoys tea in the afternoon.»
- «The Spanish dancer performed beautifully at the festival.»
- «The Canadian tourists were amazed by the Niagara Falls.»
- «The Argentinian chef made a delicious steak.»
- «The Dutch artist is famous for his landscapes.»
Exercise 5: True or False – Answer Key
- A person from Turkey is called Turquoise. (F) – Correct: Turkish
- If someone is from Germany, they are called German. (T)
- Citizens of Japan are called Japanese. (T)
- An individual from Brazil would be Brazilian. (T)
- People from the Philippines are called Philippense. (F) – Correct: Filipino/Filipina