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Examen de Inglés Contestado (Básico, Intermedio, Avanzado) | APAI

Hola, bienvenido a APAI. El día de hoy te traemos un examen de inglés contestado, incluyendo el nivel básico, intermedio, intermedio alto, y avanzado.

Esperamos que estas respuestas te ayuden a entender la estructura de un examen de inglés y cómo contestarlo de manera correcta.

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Examen 1: Beginner

Parte 1: Gramática (Multiple Choice)

Selecciona la opción correcta.

1. I _____ a student.

  • a) am
  • b) is
  • c) are

Respuesta: a) am

2. She _____ a big house.

  • a) have
  • b) has
  • c) haves

Respuesta: b) has

3. They _____ to the park every Sunday.

  • a) goes
  • b) going
  • c) go

Respuesta: c) go

4. I _____ like pizza.

  • a) don’t
  • b) doesn’t
  • c) not

Respuesta: a) don’t

Parte 2: Vocabulario (Fill in the blanks)

Completa las oraciones con la palabra correcta.

  1. This is my _____. (familia)
    Respuesta: family
  2. We have _____ apples on the table. (cuatro)
    Respuesta: four
  3. My _____ is a teacher. (madre)
    Respuesta: mother
  4. I like _____ music. (escuchar)
    Respuesta: listening to

Parte 3: Comprensión de Lectura

“Tom is eight years old. He has a red bike. He rides his bike to school every day. His best friend is Jane, and they play together in the park.”


  1. How old is Tom?
    Respuesta: He is eight years old.
  2. What color is his bike?
    Respuesta: It is red.
  3. Where does he ride his bike?
    Respuesta: He rides it to school.
  4. Who is Tom’s best friend?
    Respuesta: His best friend is Jane.

Examen 2: Intermediate

Parte 1: Gramática (Multiple Choice)

1. I _____ already finished my homework.

  • a) have
  • b) has
  • c) am

Respuesta: a) have

2. We _____ to the beach last weekend.

  • a) go
  • b) went
  • c) have gone

Respuesta: b) went

3. If I _____ enough money, I will buy a new phone.

  • a) had
  • b) have
  • c) will have

Respuesta: b) have

Parte 2: Vocabulario (Fill in the blanks)

  1. She _____ a lot of books in her free time. (leer)
    Respuesta: reads
  2. My brother is _____ than me. (más alto)
    Respuesta: taller
  3. They _____ in Paris for five years. (vivir)
    Respuesta: have lived
  4. The weather was very _____. (caliente)
    Respuesta: hot

Parte 3: Comprensión de Lectura

“Susan is a journalist. She works for a local newspaper. Every day, she interviews people and writes articles about what’s happening in the city. She loves her job because she enjoys meeting new people and learning new things.”


  1. What is Susan’s job?
    Respuesta: She is a journalist.
  2. Where does she work?
    Respuesta: She works for a local newspaper.
  3. What does she do every day?
    Respuesta: She interviews people and writes articles.
  4. Why does she love her job?
    Respuesta: Because she enjoys meeting new people and learning new things.

Examen 3: Upper Intermediate

Parte 1: Gramática (Multiple Choice)

1. If I _____ you, I would take the job offer.

  • a) were
  • b) am
  • c) was

Respuesta: a) were

2. By the time we arrived, they _____ already left.

  • a) had
  • b) have
  • c) has

Respuesta: a) had

3. I wish I _____ speak Spanish fluently.

  • a) could
  • b) can
  • c) will

Respuesta: a) could

Parte 2: Vocabulario (Synonyms)

Encuentra el sinónimo más cercano a la palabra dada.

1. Happy

  • a) Sad
  • b) Joyful
  • c) Angry

Respuesta: b) Joyful

2. Difficult

  • a) Easy
  • b) Hard
  • c) Simple

Respuesta: b) Hard

3. Fast

  • a) Slow
  • b) Quick
  • c) Lazy

Respuesta: b) Quick

Parte 3: Comprensión de Lectura

“Climate change is one of the most pressing global issues today. Scientists agree that human activities, such as the burning of fossil fuels and deforestation, are contributing to the rapid changes in Earth’s climate. The consequences include rising sea levels, more frequent extreme weather events, and loss of biodiversity.”


  1. What is causing climate change according to scientists?
    Respuesta: Human activities, such as burning fossil fuels and deforestation.
  2. What are some of the consequences of climate change?
    Respuesta: Rising sea levels, more frequent extreme weather events, and loss of biodiversity.
  3. What does “biodiversity” refer to?
    Respuesta: The variety of life in the world or in a particular habitat or ecosystem.

Examen 4: Advanced

Parte 1: Gramática (Multiple Choice)

  1. Had I known about the meeting, I _____ attended.
  • a) would have
  • b) will have
  • c) had

Respuesta: a) would have

2. He suggested that the report _____ reviewed immediately.

  • a) is
  • b) be
  • c) being

Respuesta: b) be

3. No sooner _____ the train station than it started raining.

  • a) I had left
  • b) had I left
  • c) I have left

Respuesta: b) had I left

Parte 2: Vocabulario (Collocations)

Completa las oraciones con las palabras correctas.

  1. She made a _____ decision to quit her job.
    Respuesta: bold
  2. The company _____ bankruptcy last year.
    Respuesta: filed for
  3. His argument was based on _____ evidence.
    Respuesta: compelling

Parte 3: Comprensión de Lectura

“Technological advancements in artificial intelligence (AI) have sparked both excitement and concern across various industries. While AI has the potential to revolutionize fields like healthcare, finance, and education, it also raises ethical questions regarding job displacement, data privacy, and decision-making processes that could lack transparency.”


  1. What are some industries that could be revolutionized by AI?
    Respuesta: Healthcare, finance, and education.
  2. What are some concerns regarding AI?
    Respuesta: Job displacement, data privacy, and lack of transparency in decision-making.
  3. What is the main ethical issue raised by AI according to the text?
    Respuesta: Concerns about transparency and fairness in decision-making.

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