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Possessive Adjectives Lesson Plan + Presentation | ESL Lessons

Lesson plan

Lesson: “Possessive adjectives”

Time: 30 minutes

Context: Personal belongings


– Set the context by showing the student 2 different pictures on the board: 

  • Picture one contains some objects that belong to a young girl
  • Picture two contains some objects that belong to an older man

Ask the student the following question:

  • What do you see in the images?
  • What type of person do you think those objects belong to?

-Talk to the student to set the context and break the ice. 


– Show the following questions on the board as a connection to MPF.  Elicit all the language the student might already know about the TL

  • Do you know any way to express possession in English?
  • How can we express that an object is yours, his or hers?


-Show the student a slide with 3 sentences as examples and draw their attention to the use of the possessive adjectives being used there. 

– Explain to him/her the meaning of the possessive adjectives used on the previous examples. 

-Show the student another slide with all the subject pronouns and elicit the possessive adjectives that match each one of them.

-Show the phonemes of the possessive adjectives and drill the pronunciation. Make the student repeat as many times as necessary.

Controlled practice

-Show the student some exercises in which they have to complete some sentences using the correct possessive adjectives. They will have to fill in the blanks. Correct the exercise and fix possible mistakes. Give positive feedback. 

Freer practice

-Ask the student to fill in the blanks like on the example. This is a good moment to practice the pronunciation of the TL.

This is   my    (I) car.

This is _______house. (My sister)

These are _______ shoes. (My brother)

These are ________ clothes. (Carl and Craig)

These are ________ ideas. (I and you)



Select the correct option in each case.

1- “Her” refers to female / male.
2- “He” refers to female / male.
3- “His” refers to female / male.
4- “She” refers to female / male.
5- He / his is my football coach.
6- That’s she / her house.
7- My sister is very intelligent. Her / She is the best in her / she class.
8- Where is Phil? His / He is in he / his bedroom.
9- What’s your mother’s name? Her / She’s name is Kate.
10- I love my brother. His / He’s name is Richard.

Fill in the blanks with the correct possessive adjective.

11 – Three students broke the window. _____ names are Mike, Peter, and Joe.
12 – We are brothers, and they are _____ parents.
13 – I have a pet. _____ name is Chester.
14 – Kendall Jenner is a famous model. _____ sisters are The Kardashians.
15 – You are Michael Wallace! What is _____ favorite movie, Michael?
16 – My sister has a boyfriend. _____ name is Jack.
17 – We love our parents. _____ names are Andrew and Brenna.
18 – I am Betty. _____ last name is Peterson.
19 – Someone left _____ book in the classroom.
20 – Alex and I go to the same class. _____ teacher is fantastic.

Answer key

Select the correct option in each case.

1- “Her” refers to female / male.
2- “He” refers to female / male.
3- “His” refers to female / male.
4- “She” refers to female / male.
5- He / his is my football coach.
6- That’s she / her house.
7- My sister is very intelligent. Her / She is the best in her / she class.
8- Where is Phil? His / He is in he / his bedroom.
9- What’s your mother’s name? Her / She’s name is Kate.
10- I love my brother. His / He’s name is Richard.

Fill in the blanks with the correct possessive adjective.

11 – Three students broke the window. Their names are Mike, Peter, and Joe.
12 – We are brothers, and they are our parents.
13 – I have a pet. Its/His name is Chester.
14 – Kendall Jenner is a famous model. Her sisters are The Kardashians.
15 – You are Michael Wallace! What is your favorite movie, Michael?
16 – My sister has a boyfriend. His name is Jack.
17 – We love our parents. Their names are Andrew and Brenna.
18 – I am Betty. My last name is Peterson.
19 – Someone left their book in the classroom.
20 – Alex and I go to the same class. Our teacher is fantastic.

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