Ejercicios de los Números Ordinales en Inglés (PDF)
Los números ordinales en inglés son clave para expresar posiciones, fechas y secuencias en diversas situaciones. En esta sección encontrarás ejercicios prácticos diseñados para ayudarte a usarlos correctamente, tanto en forma escrita como hablada.
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Ejercicios de los Números Ordinales en Inglés con Respuestas
Exercise 1: Write the ordinal numbers from 1 to 10.
- 1: 1st .
- 2: _____
- 3: _____
- 4: _____
- 5: _____
- 6: _____
- 7: _____
- 8: _____
- 9: _____
- 10: ____
Exercise 2: Complete the sentences using the correct ordinal number (write the word, e.g., first, not 1st):
- Today is my ___________ (2nd) day of school.
- He came ___________ (1st) in the race.
- The ___________ (12th) month of the year is December.
- Her birthday is on the ___________ (8th) of July.
- This is my ___________ (3rd) cup of coffee today.
- I live on the ___________ (5th) floor of the building.
- The ___________ (7th) day of the week is Sunday.
- This is my ___________ (4th) time visiting London.
- The marathon runner finished in ___________ (10th) place.
- The ___________ (9th) planet from the sun is Neptune.
Exercise 3: Complete the sequence by filling in the missing ordinal numbers:
- First, ___________, third, fourth, ___________, sixth.
- Fifteenth, ___________, seventeenth, ___________, nineteenth.
- Twenty-first, ___________, twenty-third, ___________, twenty-fifth.
- Thirtieth, ___________, ___________, thirty-third, thirty-fourth.
- Tenth, ___________, thirtieth, fortieth, ___________, ___________.
Exercise 1: Write the ordinal numbers from 1 to 10.
- 1: 1st .
- 2: 2nd
- 3: 3rd
- 4: 4th
- 5: 5th
- 6: 6th
- 7: 7th
- 8: 8th
- 9: 9th
- 10: 10th
Exercise 2: Complete the sentences using the correct ordinal number (write the word, e.g., first, not 1st):
- Today is my second day of school.
- He came first in the race.
- The twelfth month of the year is December.
- Her birthday is on the eighth of July.
- This is my third cup of coffee today.
- I live on the fifth floor of the building.
- The seventh day of the week is Sunday.
- This is my fourth time visiting London.
- The marathon runner finished in tenth place.
- The ninth planet from the sun is Neptune.
Exercise 3: Complete the sequence by filling in the missing ordinal numbers:
- First, second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth.
- Fifteenth, sixteenth, seventeenth, eighteenth, nineteenth.
- Twenty-first, twenty-second, twenty-third, twenty-fourth, twenty-fifth.
- Thirtieth, thirty-first, thirty-second, thirty-third, thirty-fourth.
- Tenth, twentieth, thirtieth, fortieth, fiftieth, sixtieth.