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Ejercicios de Pronombres Personales en Inglés (PDF)

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Ejercicios pronombres personales en inglés PDF

Complete the sentences with the correct personal pronoun: I, you, he, she, it, we, and they.

1 – The show starts at 11pm. _____ is on Saturday.
2 – Madonna isn’t an actress. _____ is a singer.
3 – My sister and I want to go to the concert, but _____ don’t have money.
4 – I love Titanic! _____ is my favorite movie.
5 – My parents are doctors. _____ spend long hours at the hospital.
6 – Marc studies really hard. _____ is the best student in his class.
7 – Thanks for the roses. _____ are beautiful.
8 – Bogota is my favorite city in the world. _____ is the capital of Colombia.
9 – Where are your keys? -_____ are here.
10 – My name is Wanda. _____ am Australian.

Complete the sentences with the correct personal pronoun in the parentheses.

11 – _____ are watching a movie. (My mother and I)
12 – _____ is very difficult. (Spanish)
13 – _____ likes romantic movies. (Laura)
14 – _____ are domestic animals. (Cats and dogs)
15 – _____ said I need some vacations. (My father)
16 – _____ always wants to help me in the kitchen. (My son)
17 – _____ speaks English very well. (Tania)
18 – _____ take piano lessons with me. (Robert and James)
19 – _____ is ringing. (The telephone)
20 – _____ go to church every Sunday. (My family)


Parte 2: Pronombres personales + Verbo to be

Complete the sentence with the correct form of the verb be: am, is, are.

1 – I ___ a teenager.
2 – He ___ a young boy.
3 – It ___ a notebook.
4 – She ___ a French teacher.
5 – We ___ students.
6 – They ___ mechanics.
7 – You ___ policemen.
8 – We ___ from Canada.
9 – I ___ Edward, nice to meet you.
10 – The weather ___ cold.

Unscramble the sentences

11 – are / These / parents. / my
12 – funny. / is / Robert / so
13 – garage. / the / in / car / The / is
14 – tests. / are / The / difficult / not / very
15 – My / is / nice / me. / aunt / to
16 – are / These / kids / my
17 – you / Are / surprised?
18 – fascinating. / is / book / That
19 – good / I / a / football / am / player.
20 – my / are / friends . They / best

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