Ejercicios de Pronunciación en Inglés (PDF)
La pronunciación en inglés es esencial para mejorar tu comunicación. En esta sección encontrarás ejercicios para identificar el acento en las sílabas, la pronunciación de verbos regulares en pasado y la diferenciación de sonidos fonéticos.
Descarga gratis el PDF con actividades sobre pronunciación haciendo clic en el botón de abajo. También incluye una hoja de respuestas para que puedas verificar tus resultados y reforzar tu aprendizaje.

Ejercicios de Pronunciación en Inglés con Respuestas
Exercise 1: Circle the syllable that has the stress in each word.
- Computer: com-pu-ter
- Engineer: en-gi-neer
- Hotel: ho-tel
- Photograph: pho-to-graph
- Banana: ba-na-na
- Understand: un-der-stand
- Transportation: trans-por-ta-tion
- Application: ap-pli-ca-tion
Exercise 2: Choose the correct pronunciation of each word.
- Talked: a) /tɔːkt/ — b) /tɔːkɪd/
- Needed: a) /niːdɪd/ — b) /niːdt/
- Watched: a) /wɒʧt/ — b) /wɒʧɪd/
- Loved: a) /lʌvd/ — b) /lʌvɪd/
- Decided: a) /dɪˈsaɪdɪd/ — b) /dɪˈsaɪdt/
- Helped: a) /hɛlpt/ — b) /hɛlpɪd/
- Started: a) /ˈstɑːrtɪd/ — b) /ˈstɑːrtd/
- Asked: a) /æskt/ — b) /æskɪd/
- Liked: a) /laɪkt/ — b) /laɪkɪd/
- Changed: a) /ʧeɪnʤd/ — b) /ʧeɪnʤɪd/
Exercise 3: For each phonetic symbol, select the word that contains the sound in its pronunciation.
- /θ/ → a) Think — b) Sink
- /æ/ → a) Cat — b) Caught
- /ʃ/ → a) Sheep — b) Cheap
- /eɪ/ → a) Flat — b) Plate
- /ʌ/ → a) Cap — b) Cup
- /ʤ/ → a) Judge — b) Jump
- /ɪ/ → a) Sit — b) Seat
- /uː/ → a) Foot — b) Food
- /ɜː/ → a) Bird — b) Bed
- /ð/ → a) This — b) Fist
Exercise 4: In each set of words, one word has a different vowel or consonant sound than the others. Circle the word that does not belong.
- Think – Thank – Sink
- Ship – Sheep – Cheap
- Cat – Bat – Caught
- Then – This – Thin
- Boot – Food – Foot
- Bird – Word – Bed
- House – How – Loose
- Judge – Just – Juice
- Pit – Pet – Pete
- Hat – Heart – Bat
Exercise 1: Circle the syllable that has the stress in each word.
- Computer: com-PU-ter
- Engineer: en-gi-NEER
- Hotel: ho-TEL
- Photograph: PHO-to-graph
- Banana: ba-NA-na
- Understand: un-der-STAND
- Transportation: trans-por-TA-tion
- Application: ap-pli-CA-tion
Exercise 2: Choose the correct pronunciation of each word.
- Talked: a) /tɔːkt/ — b) /tɔːkɪd/
Answer: a) /tɔːkt/ - Needed: a) /niːdɪd/ — b) /niːdt/
Answer: a) /niːdɪd/ - Watched: a) /wɒʧt/ — b) /wɒʧɪd/
Answer: a) /wɒʧt/ - Loved: a) /lʌvd/ — b) /lʌvɪd/
Answer: a) /lʌvd/ - Decided: a) /dɪˈsaɪdɪd/ — b) /dɪˈsaɪdt/
Answer: a) /dɪˈsaɪdɪd/ - Helped: a) /hɛlpt/ — b) /hɛlpɪd/
Answer: a) /hɛlpt/ - Started: a) /ˈstɑːrtɪd/ — b) /ˈstɑːrtd/
Answer: a) /ˈstɑːrtɪd/ - Asked: a) /æskt/ — b) /æskɪd/
Answer: a) /æskt/ - Liked: a) /laɪkt/ — b) /laɪkɪd/
Answer: a) /laɪkt/ - Changed: a) /ʧeɪnʤd/ — b) /ʧeɪnʤɪd/
Answer: a) /ʧeɪnʤd/
Exercise 3: For each phonetic symbol, select the word that contains the sound in its pronunciation.
- /θ/ → a) Think — b) Sink
- /æ/ → a) Cat — b) Caught
- /ʃ/ → a) Sheep — b) Cheap
- /eɪ/ → a) Flat — b) Plate
- /ʌ/ → a) Cap — b) Cup
- /ʤ/ → a) Judge — b) Jump
- /ɪ/ → a) Sit — b) Seat
- /uː/ → a) Foot — b) Food
- /ɜː/ → a) Bird — b) Bed
- /ð/ → a) This — b) Fist
Exercise 4: In each set of words, one word has a different vowel or consonant sound than the others. Circle the word that does not belong.
- Think – Thank – Sink
Odd word: Sink (/sɪŋk/) – The others have /θ/ - Ship – Sheep – Cheap
Odd word: Cheap (/ʧiːp/) – The others have /ʃ/ - Cat – Bat – Caught
Odd word: Caught (/kɔːt/) – The others have /æ/ - Then – This – Thin
Odd word: Thin (/θɪn/) – The others have /ð/ - Boot – Food – Foot
Odd word: Foot (/fʊt/) – The others have /uː/ - Bird – Word – Bed
Odd word: Bed (/bɛd/) – The others have /ɜː/ - House – How – Loose
Odd word: Loose (/luːs/) – The others have /aʊ/ - Judge – Just – Juice
Odd word: Juice (/ʤuːs/) – The others have /ʤʌ/ - Pit – Pet – Pete
Odd word: Pete (/piːt/) – The others have /ɪ/ and /ɛ/ - Hat – Heart – Bat
Odd word: Heart (/hɑːrt/) – The others have /æ/