Ejercicios de Verbos Modales en Inglés (PDF)
Los verbos modales en inglés son indispensables para expresar posibilidad, obligación, permiso y muchas otras ideas. En esta sección encontrarás ejercicios prácticos que puedes imprimir y resolver en casa o en el aula para dominar su uso.
Descarga gratis el PDF con actividades sobre verbos modales haciendo clic en el botón de abajo. El archivo incluye una hoja de respuestas para que puedas verificar tus resultados y mejorar tu aprendizaje de forma autónoma.

Ejercicios de Verbos Modales en Inglés con Respuestas
Exercise 1: Match each modal verb to its correct use:
Must Should May/Might Can Would |
a) Giving advice or recommendation
b) Expressing possibility in the present or future
c) Expressing ability or permission
d) Expressing deduction
e) Making a polite request
Exercise 2: Choose the correct modal verb (can, could, must, should, may, might, will, would) to complete each sentence:
- She (can / could / will) speak five languages fluently.
- You (should / will / can) see a doctor if you still feel sick.
- (Would / Could / Might) you please pass me the sugar?
- When I was a child, I (could / will / must) run very fast.
- It is very late; they (must / can / would) be sleeping.
- You (should / could / might) study more if you want to pass the exam.
- They (may / will / must) come to the party; they are not sure yet.
- All employees (must / can / could) attend the meeting; it is mandatory.
- We (might / should / can) go for a walk if it stops raining.
- I (might / must / will) be late depending on the traffic.
Exercise 3: Correct the mistake in each sentence.
- He mights go to the store later.
- She would likes to have dinner with us.
- They must to leave before 5 p.m.
- We can to drive to the beach tomorrow.
- He could plays piano when he was younger.
- She should to do her homework before dinner.
Exercise 1: Match each modal verb to its correct use:
- a) Giving advice or recommendation: Should
b) Expressing possibility in the present or future: Might
c) Expressing ability or permission: Can
d) Expressing deduction: Must
e) Making a polite request: Would
Exercise 2: Choose the correct modal verb (can, could, must, should, may, might, will, would) to complete each sentence:
- She (can / could / will) speak five languages fluently.
- You (should / will / can) see a doctor if you still feel sick.
- (Would / Could / Might) you please pass me the sugar?
- When I was a child, I (could / will / must) run very fast.
- It is very late; they (must / can / would) be sleeping.
- You (should / could / might) study more if you want to pass the exam.
- They (may / will / must) come to the party; they are not sure yet.
- All employees (must / can / could) attend the meeting; it is mandatory.
- We (might / should / can) go for a walk if it stops raining.
- I (might / must / will) be late depending on the traffic.
Exercise 3: Correct the mistake in each sentence.
- He might go to the store later.
- She would like to have dinner with us.
- They must leave before 5 p.m.
- We can drive to the beach tomorrow.
- He could play piano when he was younger.
- She should do her homework before dinner.