Ejercicios de Sustantivos Contables e Incontables en Inglés (PDF)
Los sustantivos contables e incontables en inglés son esenciales para expresar cantidades de manera correcta. En esta sección encontrarás ejercicios prácticos que te ayudarán a identificar y usar ambos tipos de sustantivos en diferentes contextos.
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Ejercicios de Sustantivos Contables e Incontables en Inglés con Respuestas
Exercise 1: Identify if each noun is countable or uncountable. Write «C» for countable and «U» for uncountable.
- Water: _____
- Apples: _____
- Milk: _____
- Cars: _____
- Sugar: _____
- Bread: _____
- Chairs: _____
- Information: _____
- Advice: _____
- Books: _____
- Money: _____
- Homework: _____
- Happiness: _____
Exercise 2: Look at these sentences and complete the rules below
- I don’t have any friends who enjoy running.
- Some people like to read books in their free time.
- Are there any cookies left for dessert?
- She has some water in her bottle, but she needs more.
Complete the Rules:
a) Use __________ with an affirmative statement (plural nouns).
b) Use __________ with an affirmative statement (uncountable nouns).
c) Use __________ with a negative statement.
d) Use __________ with a question.
Exercise 3: Fill in the blank using a, an, some, or any.
- Do you have ___________ milk in the fridge?
- I need ___________ apple for my lunch.
- She gave me ___________ good advice.
- There isn’t ___________ bread left.
- We bought ___________ new chairs for the office.
- Can I have ___________ sugar for my coffee?
- He wants ___________ orange before breakfast.
- We don’t have ___________ information about the new project.
- I found ___________ interesting book at the library.
- Do you need ___________ eggs for the recipe?
Exercise 4: There is a mistake in each of the sentences below. Correct the sentence to use the correct form for countable or uncountable nouns.
- I need an information about the conference.
Correction: ______________________________ - She bought a bread at the bakery.
Correction: ______________________________ - There aren’t many furniture in the room.
Correction: ______________________________ - Can I have a water, please?
Correction: ______________________________ - He gave me an advice about my project.
Correction: ______________________________
Exercise 5: Complete each sentence by choosing the correct noun and the appropriate article (a, an, some, or any).
- I’d like ___________ (apple / apples) for dessert.
- We need ___________ (milk / milks) for the recipe.
- She gave me ___________ (piece / pieces) of advice.
- Do you have ___________ (idea / ideas) for the project?
- He ate ___________ (bread / breads) with his meal.
Exercise 1
- Water: U
- Apples: C
- Milk: U
- Cars: C
- Sugar: U
- Bread: U
- Chairs: C
- Information: U
- Advice: U
- Books: C
- Money: U
- Homework: U
- Happiness: U
Exercise 2
- I don’t have any friends who enjoy running.
- Some people like to read books in their free time.
- Are there any cookies left for dessert?
- She has some water in her bottle, but she needs more.
b) Use some with an affirmative statement (uncountable nouns).
c) Use any with a negative statement.
d) Use any with a question.
Exercise 3
- Do you have any milk in the fridge?
- I need an apple for my lunch.
- She gave me some good advice.
- There isn’t any bread left.
- We bought some new chairs for the office.
- Can I have some sugar for my coffee?
- He wants an orange before breakfast.
- We don’t have any information about the new project.
- I found an interesting book at the library.
- Do you need any eggs for the recipe?
Exercise 4
- I need an information about the conference.
Correction: I need some information about the conference. - She bought a bread at the bakery.
Correction: She bought some bread at the bakery. - There aren’t many furniture in the room.
Correction: There isn’t much furniture in the room. - Can I have a water, please?
Correction: Can I have some water, please? - He gave me an advice about my project.
Correction: He gave me some advice about my project.
Exercise 5
- I’d like some apples for dessert.
- We need some milk for the recipe.
- She gave me a piece of advice.
- Do you have any ideas for the project?
- He ate some bread with his meal.